... they're resonating.
Changing the mood i always had whenever i'm posting positively about the output of every performances my band(s), i won't be taking credit for everything [as one might say]. In fact, i'll state the complete opposite.
Well, so much for my last gig with Armada. I totally messed up with things. I relied too much with the "standing-in-toes" technique and went off blank. I played random notes uneven for the first song "Kiss Me Goodbye". That's the biggest error i've done so far. Anyway, until the end i tried that technique [except for Shissou which i memorized the tune but still missed] and so far i lacked some life with the final OPM song "If".
But before going to that OPM, i went back to the bass. My fingers got stiff and my stamina dropped, so you can hear errors within my basslines. So to sum my performance up, i sucked as usual.
I am, although i'm full of errors, proud with Armada. I'm just a little disappointed with myself because as for my last gig with them before i leave, i did my worst performance ever. And it was i who said i'll do my best. Just Jeremiah's statement: "losers whine about their best." Sounds like i got hit with his slug.
Speaking of Jeremiah, i'm quite disappointed with myself considering my self-declaration of being his "bestfriend"... and i couldn't do anything about his problems. I've also lacked time communicating with him. I feel not worthy being his friend right now. I wish i could find some way to make it up with him.
Anyway, after the gig... K2 summoned me via Edsel. It seemed like his post on my "blurtbox" about talking for old time's sake was afterwards. I think he read something within my blog and he wants to talk about it. And i was partly right, it was about my posts.
When i came, things were kind of shortlived. We talked about some things of the past, concerning what i have posted 4 months ago. He hasn't read it ever, perhaps just this month, that's why he wanted to clear things out. We finished that conversation with a conclusion: "it was an old post and things went better already."
BTW, FrolicNight had their live at Brickroad, Cainta with Kat's Prod. I didn't see them play [di ako umabot] but Edsel observed things for me, and as the guitarman he is now i know he did his job well to listen with their output. And i am proud with 3ple, i knew he had it in him. ^^,
Although my presence there pissed some people a bit, the one i really missed the most is 3ple. I still know what i have done, and it really feels awkward for me to face them knowing these things. The only thing i could do for those concerned is to shut up. `tis sad that i've let things go this way.
But the good thing is that, nothing violent happened. Diplomacy rules. ^^,
I guess things are over concerning that issue. I've closed the book on my side already.
Meanwhile... after about a year of pending invitation, my former "II-Dumagat" advisor Aouie Enrile finally added me up on her friends' list in Friendster. I was kind of looking forward to the day that i could post a testimonial to my most favorite advisor of all time, i just hope she approves my testimonial. =]
Election period's started. Who will you vote?
Me? I haven't even registered. ^^,
* No countdowns yet.