As late as always...
Yup, you can consider this blog dead. Until i do a major change with the theme. =]
* Out of curiosity... do you still, by any chance, visit this site? o.O
"Sacrifices are made to summon a greater being... to think i was stupid enough to do something like that."
As late as always...
Yup, you can consider this blog dead. Until i do a major change with the theme. =]
* Out of curiosity... do you still, by any chance, visit this site? o.O
Blurted by
at exactly
4:35 PM
Blurted by
at exactly
11:08 PM
Labels: Blahs
The 1.4 gets a new RAM, too.
If you're reading this, then yes... i've pre-written this post [still] with my NDS Lite using homebrew. But this is also a Welcome Back note to my mom, sis and nephews all the way from Abu Dhabi... and a brand new 19" LCD monitor! =]
It's been months since i last used my own PC 'til the monitor blew up. By that time i wasn't able to do some of my usual PC stuff [blog, friendster, Cakewalk/GP making sound clips/concepts etc (but definitely NO porn stuff)]. Now that i've got visual, i'm definitely back to business [rather, back doing my stuff (still, NO porn stuff)]. Though it's a bit wide... still i can see everything perfectly.
First thing i'll be doing is to clean [but not format] my HDs 'coz i'll be needing the space real soon. Second thing is to do some errands from Dennis regarding the finished concepts. I'll need to finish all concepts left undone, and i think i'll have time to sit in front of my PC everytime a concept flies by my head. Most of all, i'll be needing the space for my nephew Harvey and copy some PSP games i've got from girl besfriend Cha. Dunno when i'll be needing my own copy...
... 'coz by the time i've posted this, we're probably on DSL already. =]
* A little update [where everything at this point are typed from the 1.4]. I got a Phat PSP with 3.71 M33 FW. ^^ Okaa~y, you can curse me anytime... say that i'm a biased dude who owns two competing handhelds. But this i gotta tell you: there's actually no point of competition. As i said before, if you want good titles, go to PSP... and if you want something else, go for the DS. It's just that i'm lucky enough to have two. =]
And my DS ain't left out just because i got a new handheld. I actually use it to play at WFC... especially now that i have a wireless router. Got to boost up my rankings at Tetris. =]
But then, Bayantel DSL sucks bigtime. o.O I'll post why soon.
Blurted by
at exactly
1:56 PM
Advertisement... again. What did i do last April Fool's anyway? Well, here goes nothing...
It's going to be held this Saturday, April 5, 2008 @ Megatrade Hall [dunno which one, choose a lucky number from 1 to 3], at the top floor of SM Megamall, obviously.
Armada will be performing right after lunch [when peeps are eating], in case you're interested to watch them [or... be one of Ian or Adz's fans club].
And please, don't watch if ever you're just curious about me or my playing... it'll suck, so don't worry. =]
Yun lamang po, bow. ^^
* I kinda missed that last line of my testimonial. ^^
After the performance, RevEp will immediately have its meeting. They'll be watching, yes.
I'll be waiting, then. =]
Blurted by
at exactly
9:34 PM
Labels: Commercial Break